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But it is based off of a Bren!!
I know I am probably in the wrong area, but I am hitting the wall. I have a Japanese type99 LMG that I am trying to get cleaned up and so on for the Museum I volunteer at http://www.pwam.org (I am the lead for the Restoration Department and the resident gun monkey). Anyway, knowing the 99 was based off of the Bren, I have came here for some help. Does anyone know if there are the tear down drawings, and parts drawings (in english. I barely can read and write that most of the time!) that are scanned and available online?? We are redoing our Japanese WWII section and of course they bring me the 99 at the last second and say here, clean and fix... Then it goes back into its locked down state...
Anyway, any help would be very much greatly appreciated!!
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05-02-2015 12:35 AM
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Not sure exactly what the problem is. If you are just tasked with cleaning it up vs. regulating it for firing, disassembly and reassembly of the Type 99 is pretty straightforward. Open the little doors or pull out the pins, and remove the parts. Put them back in reverse order.
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Fairly unlike the bren in details, but conceptually similar. Not sure that just referencing an old edition of Small Arms of the World by WHB Smith won't do you the most good for basic tear down, etc.
But that means people buying books JM. And that seems like an alien concept among the small arms collecting fraternity I've been told..............
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Not all books are worth buying, Peter. Some are just filled with dross.
Good books, like your Sten and Sterling books sell out and become sought after by collectors.
I am sure your Bren book would sell well, if they would ever publish it.
The Bren book is on its way Vince................
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Last edited by tankhunter; 05-05-2015 at 02:54 AM.