Today’s Internet exposes computer users and the web sites they access, to a wide range of malicious pieces of infectious software code, designed to attack either, or both platforms.
Many Internet gun web sites offer little in the way of anything, to insulate their members against these kinds of dangerous activities. In fact, we've been advised by members of one popular gun site currently carrying a software virus, that when their members click on a certain link, it actually transmits a common Trojan horse software virus to their desktop computer, thereby infecting the user’s computer.
We at Milsurps.Com take the safety and security of our members very seriously.
Toward that end and after weeks of internal testing, we've invested some of your donations and implemented an on-line firewall that insulates our site (and you) from these threats. CloudProxy (Sucuri’s Website Firewall) is a cloud-based protective layer, which automatically protects our website from brute force attacks, malware, DDoS, blacklisting and many other issues that webmasters face every day.
Here’s a graphic picture as to what it does:
Attachment 79475
Click PIC to Enlarge)
As you can see, the Sucuri's CloudProxy Network sits between you and the Milsurps.Com server, forcing all digital traffic to go though the cloud, before it gets to our server for a response, then back to you.
High Availability Infrastructure is one of CloudProxy’s features and Sucuri's servers are spread all around the world.
Attachment 79474
Click PIC to Enlarge)
One of CloudProxy's special features is its caching. So, you not only get protection but also speed optimization due to the network's high performance caching. Most member's should see an overall general performance increase, as the result of the site using Sucuri's CloudProxy Network.
With an intermediate firewall now protecting our site which essentially inserts another processing environment between your computer and our site's server, you may experience the odd time when you can't connect. It's technically called Error 504 or Error 502. If that happens, you will most likely see web pages generated by Sucuri's CloudProxy Network that looks like either of the pics below. To resolve the error, simply wait a few minutes and try to load our site again.
Attachment 79473 ---- Attachment 85021
(Click PICS to Enlarge)
Note: If this error occurs immediately after you've typed a post and just submitted it, we understand how frustrating this can be in losing everything you've typed. So, try to use the web page backup function key on your web browser, to see if you can get back to the original page on which you were composing your text. If you can, make sure you highlight and select all your text with your mouse and save it, using the "copy" function (right mouse click). This puts a copy of your post text in your local computer's memory, which you can then use the "paste" function (right mouse click), to re-create a new thread quickly, should you get disconnected from our sever, or experience a time out 504 error. It's a really good practice to always being doing this from time to time, as you are creating and typing very long messages, just so you don't have to start all over again!!!!
If after trying several times over a period of 10 to 15 minutes, you continue to receive a connection error message, then it's possible that our site is truly actually down for some reason.
If our site is offline (you are getting a timeout message or it does not open), try this.
Check if it is only you. Go HERE and type in "", to see if it is down for everyone or just you.
If the site is up for everyone else, it might be that just your specific IP address is being blocked for some reason by Sucuri's CloudProxy Network. It is very rare for it to happen by mistake, but if Sucuri found any suspicious activity coming from your IP address, they can block it for 30 minutes. You can try to wait a few more minutes to see if it will come back for you, or you can email the and we will investigate with Sucuri for you.
If possible, please make sure to include your current IP address to allow us to troubleshoot the issue. If you aren't sure of what your public IP address is, then check Google - What is my IP address? (click here) and it will tell you. Cut-n-paste that IP address into your email when you report your problem.
It is also possible that you may be able to access our site fine, except when viewing specific web pages, you a shown a screen similar to this.
Attachment 79472
Click PIC to Enlarge)
That means that Sucuri's CloudProxy Network is protecting you and has detected what it believes is a virus attack contained on that web page. Don't panic!!!
99% of the time these are what are called false positive error messages and there's actually nothing wrong at all. It's usually just a case of Sucuri's CloudProxy Network intrusion software detecting some piece of information incorrectly, interpreting it as being malicious when it's not, but it's better to be safe then sorry. If you see receive this type of error page, then once again, simply send an email to the, ideally with a screen shot of the error page you're seeing. It's important that you let us know which of our web pages (copy the Internet link), from which you're receiving the error message when you're trying to access it!
Finally, what if you think our site is running too slow for you? It may be that our site is running fine, but there's something wrong with the speed performance you're receiving locally.
To check that, have you tried running a speed test to see what performance your own ISP (Internet Service Provider) is giving you right to your own local computer? Here's a way you can test that to find out what speed you are being allowed by your ISP. Note: This link also appears under the Members Only tabbed drop down box located at the top of the forum.
General Internet Speed Test
You can use this test for ANY Internet provider service..
I use Bell's DSL service, which is all that's available where I live and it's rated at a VERY SLOW 6 Mb/second. Here's an example of my most current test.
Attachment 79477
Click PIC to Enlarge)
.. and here's the results of the same test when I connect from my high speed Internet connection at work rated at a VERY FAST 56 Mb/second !!
Attachment 79476
Click PIC to Enlarge)
Finally, if you're ever unsure about the safety and security of any web site you frequent, simply got to the link below and check to ensure that it's not blacklisted, as well as virus and malware free.
Free Website Malware and Security Scanner (click here)
We hope our new Sucuri CloudProxy Network firewall, helps all our members feel even more safe and comfortable when using our site ...
Warning: This is a relatively older thread
This discussion is older than 360 days. Some information contained in it may no longer be current.