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Thread: K98... Good, Average or Bad Deal?

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    Legacy Member Jet Fixer's Avatar
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    K98... Good, Average or Bad Deal?

    I'm in discussion with the owner of this K98icon concerning a trade. At stake is a CE 44 K98 for an IBM AO M1icon Carbine and maybe some cash.

    This is what I know about the K98.

    1) All numbers match except the barrel band, bayonet lug and band spring.
    2) Bore is good
    3) Stock is from a RC. Original stock was sporterized and front metal lost. Butt plate is original.
    4) Not an RC and no import marks
    5) The waffenamts consist of 280, 37, 359, and 135

    I'm not real up to speed on the Mauser end of things. I know what I have as far as the carbine goes and would like to have the Mauser but I don't know how they compare to each other. I'm looking for opinions from people who know about the K98.

    Here are the pics.
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  3. #2
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    I'd kind of lean towards passing, at least as a trade. While it was an original matching bring back at one point it isn't anymore, so while it's "better" than a completely mismatched Russianicon Capture it's not going to be nearly as attractive to collectors as a complete original gun. IBM M1icon Carbines on the other hand are uncommon, especially if still fairly original and there is consistent demand for them.

    How is the bore on the Mauser? Shot out bores and issues with the crown are not uncommon on them. I'd also be concerned about how well the action was fit to the stock, as I've found they are hardly a drop in affair, likely both due to how they were originally manufactured and wood shrinkage over the years. Sometimes the front band needs some adjustment too.

    Other Mauser experts can possibly give you a better dollar figure than me but at an auction or gunshow it would depend how bad a buyer wants it and what other options are at that moment, whereas the M1 Carbine is fairly easy to value which is why I'd be hesitant to trade for it as I don't like trading a known, sure thing for a relative unknown. If you really want it, I'd try to make a cash offer rather than trade the M1 Carbine. Russian captures I've seen offered for anywhere from $500-900, with some of them selling in that range. I would feel comfortable saying that to me the matching bolt and lack of import stamp would make it worth more than a RC in comparable condition so that could be a starting point for you.

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    No way I would trade an M1icon for that. I'd put a price of $400-$500 on the Mauser, M1's seem to start about $300 more than that.

    A K98icon as far as collectors go is not matching if it's missing just one numbered part, yours is missing the stock and the stock hardware which is pretty major. Makes it a mix of RC and bringback like Cipher suggested.

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