Anyone else done this? Finally have all the ducks in a row and about to have the repro W & S rail mounted on an 03 and I have a complete 1913 sight. I had been looking for suitable non-collector grade receiver to display my W & S and a sympathetic friend built one for me from a barreled action he picked up and a once fire damaged stock that came out very well. It's the kind of stock that I can justify considering doing a camo job on if I can find more references to go with the one clear photo of a field camo'd 03 (the stock). Do any of the field camo'd 03's exist? I would think the first thing the armorers would have done after the war is discard those stocks so if I make it camo'd it could be unique. It is a Frankenstein if course but it was built to look like a WWI 03 and I can fire will only fire blanks in it. The receiver is in the Springfield 487xxx range. The metal is not pitted but the barrel date is only partially legible so I don't know if the barrel is original to the action and doesn't matter as this gun is only intended to "showcase" the scope and the role of the sniper but it will be fun to take to our living history events and can be handled. I will post a pic once it's set up. I have ordered a sling and front sight cover to help with the "impression". Very excited. Now to find a mount for my incomplete W & S for the Benet Mercie dummy and I would be set.
Warning: This is a relatively older thread
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