Legacy Member
Had a good friend who owned two gun shops and one of his passions were collecting target rifles. Due to space limitations in his main store were just a few of the many ones he collected. Definitely had a bunch of M70's, couple of Remington 40x repeaters with 5 shot magazines and a few from the Palma matches. Used to go to his main store quite often and he admitted that those were just a few of the ones he collected. I have an older post '64 push feed M70 in 30-06 that I bought years back. Shame as we'll never see their like again. Frank
06-10-2020 03:50 PM
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I too have one of these rifles with a very good barrel/bore. I'm pretty sure they shot best with sierra Palma 155s...mine certainly does. If you can't get the Sierras...then try another 155gn bullet..
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Edward Bernays, 1928
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Thank You to Surpmil For This Useful Post: