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Vintage US Army Sniper Scope Storage Chest
03-10-2018 03:45 AM
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Contributing Member
So at 20000 volts a night scope of sorts one presumes as its infra red??
'Tonight my men and I have been through hell and back again, but the look on your faces when we let you out of the hall - we'd do it all again tomorrow.' Major Chris Keeble's words to Goose Green villagers on 29th May 1982 - 2 PARA
Legacy Member
Sniper Scope Storage Chest is the box for very early IR sight that went on an M3 Carbine.
M3 Infra Red Sniper Rifle
Dunno if $50 is reasonable for a box or not. A Quality Carbine with one of the scopes mounted with a box sold for $6325.00 by Rock Island Auction, last December though.
Spelling and Grammar count!