We tidied up a living area painting and a small book case was procured for all my shooting magazines which date from the 60's - present as they were making the coffee table look a bit well not so good.
I originally just decided on the mags being there but my room is getting over run with books on books on books so I seized the chance to move some hunting books and rifle H/C's out.
I still have some trapped in the room but these ones I have out if the fancy takes me to read something whilst the wife watches some of her stuff on T.V that I am not interested in like soapies etc.

Some of the books were to big to fit so I picked what I reckon would give me the best read I especially like Corbett, Capstick & A J Hunter of which some are hard to come by.
The info books I must say Hatcher, Mann & Whelen make good reading as does Noslers book "Hell I Was There" By Elmer Keith would not fit but I got a couple of his in there.