Hey all,

So been working like a fiend and may just be getting a break finally. Time for a reward right?

I've always wanted a .303 Bren lmg, I just love the look of the gun, the history of the gun, and that I have 2 .303 rifles already seems like a good pick!

I've been reading up on the forums and digging through the knowledge base but didn't find the same level of detail on Bren markings and what not compared to some other guns so I thought I could post a general "what am I getting into" thread.

I've ordered the Ian Skennertonicon book on the Bren, is there any other literature I should read up on so I can check any Bren gun for the correct markings?

If I can get away with it, I'd love a ww2 one for the history of it, in this day and age if I come across one at all I'll consider myself fortunate. On that note, have I missed the boat? I've seen some recent threads where members are getting new barrels (some even period ones), and it leads me to hope that I can still find a Bren gun out there in the first place. For those of us the USAicon, is it a matter of calling down the list of class 3 dealers until you hit gold? Do I need more than one barrel?

Thanks for your time in reading and response, I do apologize if its a tad verbose, the spirit moved me to write and it's the end of a long, long day.

Warning: This is a relatively older thread
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