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Center sections at BRP
Not sure if this is frowned upon, but anything to help the community.
BRP has some very nice Mk I center sections (receivers) that would make a build Oh So Much Easier! The really critical dimensions are maintained. Only the rear section and forward section need be welded up and even though I am not a builder, I would say those are "less critical" areas to get just right.
Nice part is they have already gone through the import and approval process, unlike the Bren receiver center sections sold on GB that are in Poland. I am not sure those would be kosher to buy, with all this ITAR crap and such.
1939 BREN Mk1 Early Parts Lot - BRP CORP
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01-31-2020 02:33 PM
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Having bought several of them I can only say that they are great. I buy a lot of things from BRP and don't work for them. What happened is that BRP had two barrels of Bren receivers that could not get into the country without the normal torch cutting. Well after a lot of paper work and a few other thing BRP was able to get them cut up as you see them and now up for sale. I still remember looking at those two barrels of uncut receivers.
Worth the money, I would say YES. Due to the time saving and the fact the major problem area are not cut.
If you have a MGS cut then for sure this is Great. An old style IO cut then it's more up to you and your welding skills and if you are willing to work at it.
Later 42rocker
Thank You to 42rocker For This Useful Post:
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I purchased two center sections from BRP.
A MKI double dovetail and a MKII section.
It should make those two builds easy and save my energy for my MKIII, L4 and a 7.62 x39 if I have parts left over.
Thank You to cal50 For This Useful Post: