I remember people saying RC and yugo capture guns would never be worth anything more than what was paid at the time of purchase... Back in the 2000s when more of these started coming in. I now routinely see these RCs selling for close to $1000 at my local gun stores... "Because they're GERMAN!!!" Thats what one of my local gun store idiot sells people said to me... Because it was German... Wooo weeee .... So mysterious and expertly assembled and fine German engineering... Only 12.8 million k98s made........Ultimately they are selling for this much because that's what people agree to pay and are willing to pay. I paid under $400 for both my K98icon rifles a few years ago.

In my mind, It's hard to justify spending $800-$1000 or even $600 on a RC or Yugoicon capture... Especially when you can buy a Remington 700 package deal, with scope for $389 at academy sports... I do understand that people are buying milsurps nowadays for historical reasons... Not so much for shooting anymore. Personally I partially blame the prices now because of video games, YouTube personalities, lack of bargaining skills, and fear of negotiating a lower price. I've seen several times where a young adult (usually 20 somethings) walks into a LGS and tries to negotiate the price down and gets told sorry I can't sell it for that price and then reluctantly agrees to pay sticker tag price... Some people can't walk away, or they're too scared to shoot back an alternative offer. Or worse, they don't negotiate at all.

Of course places like classicfirearms are going to sell it at any price they want, because they know people will buy it... It's a nice business they have there... Selling guns to people at "hand picked" prices lol... People seriously fall for "hand picked"

I got into milsurps because they were at one point, cheap... and are able to fire some really potent cartridges... I loved the idea of being able to throw a type 38 carbine or a mosin m44 in the back of the farm truck and shoot any animals terrorizing my cattle... Now even m44 Mosins are going for $600... It would be cheaper to literally buy a newer Remington package deal with a scope and throw a brand new gun in the back of the truck...not only would it be cheaper but it would be more accurate... Like my boss said to me yesterday... It's not the 90's anymore. Rant rant rant. sorry.