I'm a noob to military surplus, but I'm a history buff with an esoteric interest in the Second Italo-Abyssinia War and WWII in AOI. So, on a lark I bought two sight unseen Carcanos from Royal Tiger Imports. Purportedly, these rifles have sat in an Ethiopian warehouse since the Italians were kicked out of East Africa in 1941. They were filthy and in rough shape. One had a whole colony of dead Ethiopian bugs that at one time lived in the stock. Nasty.

The first one is an M91 Moschetto TS Brescia 1918, SN: BD8663. Interestingly, it has the Tiro a Segno Nazionale (crossed rifles below target) marking.

What is unusual is that it appears to have a completely different serial number on the bottom of both the barrel and the receiver.

Can anyone explain why it would have two serial numbers?

The second one is a Carcano M38 in 7.35. It too seems to have 2 different serial numbers. It is stamped with the Crown and RE TERNI, but it looks worn and seems to be stamped over by 1939 XVII, AG, 17, and a serial number N170 stamped over what seems to be a prior serial number.

What does the AG 17 mean? I am guessing that they took an old 1917 barrel and reworked it in 1939 to make an M38. Was that done? And would they give it a new serial number?

Any information or educated speculation would be appreciated.

Warning: This is a relatively older thread
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