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P14 ERA "EK SE ???" On receiver, what does it mean?
I'm looking at an ERA P14 that is stamped with the letters EK WE then what looks like an omega symbol and then maybe an S.
Does anyone know what these mean?
I don't see any other unusual markings on it.
I want to be sure it does not mean it is not shootable.
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12-12-2020 07:03 PM
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Maybe someone can answer that but we are limited to the US version as far a ref goes.
All we can say is the Brits had a completely different labeling system and even did not go with specs (as I recall they had issues with quality control not resolved before contracts were ended).
Brits had a major proof stamping system, possible it was done in the UK not the US though if you can see raw metal then a stamp has been done after the finish was put on at the factory.
Not sure if this helps, if you could post a picture?
British Firearms Proof marks - Google Search
I am not going to make this a its a fact statement, take more research, possibly a gun smith.
But, Proof Marks in general are put on when passing inspection and or tests. If they fail they are not proof marked I believe. So a lack of a Proof Mark would be illegal (though it might be ok as it slipped through a crack)
Proof marks on the other hand should indicate it passed.
Last edited by RC20; 12-13-2020 at 02:24 PM.
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Attachment 113279Ok, found this. An A seems to indicate US inspection by Brit inspectors. Keep in mind once in the UK it may be proofed again going into the civie world.
Legacy Member
I don't suppose you can post photos so that we can eliminate our guess work and act on the same data you have in front of you?
Trying to save Service history, one rifle at a time...
Legacy Member
Thanks for your reply.
I won the bid just now.
Please check Gunbroker listing 886308590
for some pictures.
I don't think they are a proof. Maybe a regimental marking?
Please let me know if you can determine anything.
Legacy Member
The stamp should be read EK/S EOS (O = perhaps omega?)
As far as I know it should mean "Training Rifle" (Out of Service, to be used as Training Rifle).
Advisory Panel
So...here's the pics you guys need and for posterity. It's not all of them but shows what you need.
Legacy Member
"C.A.I St. Alb. Vt." mark on the barrel is Century Arms import mark. I am pretty sure they imported some rifles both from the UK and from Greece. Looks to me like the pre 86 import mark best I can tell.
Legacy Member
Does Training Rifle indicate it should not be shot?
It's not like DP it?
Legacy Member
Yes, but I might be wrong.
I found this old thread:
When you have the rifle, try to disassemble it.