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Desert Storm era MRE's
Cleaning the basement and found two cases of Desert Storm era MRE's. It wasn't a surprise, I knew they were down there.
The cases are complete although a bit stained from the dampness of the basement. They have been at a near constant temperature, probably 60-66 degrees year round.
Any thoughts whether they would be edible or not? Might be collectable just for their age.
These actually were in Desert Storm, I mailed them home until they stopped us from doing that. Which brings up one basic difference between active duty and reserve troops in combat zones. Active duty wanted no party of the MRE's and we reservists were mailing them home in such large quantities, they created a special regulation to stop us. Didn't stop us, we just took them out of the cases and mailed them home in another box. The reg stated, no mailing of full cases of MRE's. The postmasters were even kind enough to inform us of the stipulation and provide an appropriate box.
The good old days of good old military rules and rule breakers.
My wife said the mailman here was wondering what the heck was in all the boxes.
The loose ones I ate during hunting seasons long ago.
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03-08-2021 05:45 PM
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Originally Posted by
Any thoughts whether they would be edible or not? Might be collectable just for their age.
10 years is the rule of thumb BUT! There should be a red indicator tag on the box that works off environmental.
This is what it looks like on one of my boxes
Attachment 115659
Remember though the expiration date takes into account the most perishable item; most of the contents of the meal are much longer. I suspect that yours, at the 60-66 degrees are still good and yummy <-- ha yummy.
Veteran US Navy Seabees - US Army Corps of Engineers - American Legion Post 0867
" Only two defining forces have offered to die for me. 1.) Jesus Christ 2.) The American G.I. "One died for your soul, the other for your freedom! "
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"There are two parts to the TTI – an outer dark circle and an inner light circle. As long as the inner circle is still lighter than the outside circle, the MREs are supposed to be good"
Veteran US Navy Seabees - US Army Corps of Engineers - American Legion Post 0867
" Only two defining forces have offered to die for me. 1.) Jesus Christ 2.) The American G.I. "One died for your soul, the other for your freedom! "
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Please post here before you eat them...and if we do not hear back in a few days we will know they were not safe!
"Audacia....By daring deed"
Thank You to 82Trooper For This Useful Post:
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My father has Desert Storm era MREs (early 90s) The dark brown plastic bag. We’ve eaten main meals. (Skip the clam chowder) and the applesauce. The bread / crackers taste a bit metallic but no ill effects. Sniff test goes a long way.
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10 years is nothing.
You guys would enjoy Steve’s videos!
Steve1989MREInfo - YouTube
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I've got LWP patrol rations from the early '80s. Mind, they're dehydrated so they should be fine. I'm not sure I'd be eating any others from that era.
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I went down and checked and now have a greater mystery. One box appears to be dated 93 the other 01 which makes no sense. I don't recall getting any after Desert Storm and that would be 91. In any case, the 93 doesn't have the pink square, the other one does but no idea what it means.
Watching him eat a 33 year old MRE which mine are approaching. Says it's fine. I have my doubts.
Last edited by Aragorn243; 03-08-2021 at 11:18 PM.
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I have my doubts.
All done for views. Then he goes and honks it all up so he doesn't die.
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All done for views. Then he goes and honks it all up so he doesn't die.
He’s an *interesting* guy. Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the case.
Still neat to see these items from a historical perspective.
I find the survival type rations really cool.
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