I won't go so far as to declare this sabre "unique" or one-of-a-kind, but 2 months of fairly intensive research and many emails have given me some idea of what it is. Informed speculation and research have led me to this point. It is almost certainly from one of the Germanicon States (Bavaria, Saxony, Wurttembug, etc.) and would date from C.1788-1810 (ish). Probably for a dragoon officer and possibly an export blade. Since no one has been able to find an exact match, it may have been a private commission for an officer who needed a sword that conformed to general unit appearance but made to specifications that suited his physique and fighting style. The remnants of the engraving pretty much confirm it's age. The makers mark, if there was one, has probably been worn away like the engraving from over 2 centuries of cleaning. For anyone who loves true battle swords, here's one you're not likely to see again.Attachment 118804Attachment 118805Attachment 118806Attachment 118807Attachment 118808
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