Hope someone can help to ID this rifle and give a manufacture date.
I came to this site because the following is stamped under the barrel "BSA TARGET QUALITY MADE FOR PARKER HALE Ltd. BIRMINGHAM 4. ENGLAND"
I have been searching the internet for a while and have not found the same configuration:
- It has a Parker Hale rear site with no sign of the standard steel rear site ever been mounted,
- the safety is on the wrong side,
- the bolt handle is bent in a semi S ,not straight like all the others I have seen,
-it has a star on the bolt handle just above a matching serial number
- the serial number has 6 digits, starting with "W22...."
- there is a star inside a circle on top of the receiver in line with the serial number,
- it has a crown with GR under it and crossed swords under that on right side of the receiver, cannot read the letters with the sword. Plus an arrow facing up.
I will try and attach photos
My thought, is this a purpose made target rifle, a sniper rifle, a ceremonial rifle, or just a mix-n-match upgrade
Will greatly appreciate anyone's input.
Warning: This is a relatively older thread This discussion is older than 360 days. Some information contained in it may no longer be current.
Last edited by Old Al; 01-16-2022 at 10:42 AM.
Reason: Add photos if possible
Hi Al, welcome to the forum. The rifle pictured is a Winchester produced P14 in .303 caliber by the "GR" markings. The "GR" is for the monarch at the time of manufacture. It's not a Lee Metford at all... The sight is a target sight mounted beside the location of the original ladder type sight. They're a Mauser type bolt and action and a real shooter if they're in good shape. Love to see more and closer pics...
As Jim stated it's a P14 Target rifle modified/built by BSA for Parker Hale. Generally the barrels were replaced with a "ball burnished" target barrel to improve accuracy. Parker Hale 5B rear target sight and target swivel added. Safety is correct, as is the bolt handle and it's build on the best of P14 actions "Winchester". Do you have the rifle's provenance - keeper for sure!!!!!
Thank you Jim.
I was thrown off track because it is registered here as a Lee Metford.
I will take some more photos and post when I get it.
Thank you to you too Ron
I do not have a provenance/certificate for it, is it possible to still get one?
As can be seen, the rifle looks in good condition externally.
Internally, the bolt and barrel look very good, I know that the previous two owners shot one shot each when the got the rifle, that is all.
Get a gunsmith to provide a letter confirming the rifle isn't a Lee Metford, go through the pain of changing the details of the rifle with the DFO/CFR. I recommend either Winchester as the manufacturer or Enfield as the original source, with the model being P14.
There probably isn't any marking on the rifle to indicate Winchester except the W in the number or any other markings, except the proof marks and serial number.
They are excellent rifles, yours may be of value to collectors in South Africa. Probably used for shooting competition when it was still common in the days of commando competitions.
Definitely not a
Originally Posted by Old Al
sniper rifle, a ceremonial rifle, or just a mix-n-match upgrade
but a target rifle purpose built by Parker Hale and BSA. Might be quite valuable to the right collector.
Good photos of all the markings on the metal and wood will allow the experts to provide more detail.
Thank you Daan.
Now that I know what it is and what to look for, I see a small "E" stamped on most of the metal parts.
Now I am confused again, if "W" with the serial number stands for Winchester, "E" on the metal parts I presume stands for Eddystone (Remington) and under the barrel is BSA with symbol saying made for Parker Hale.
Think I will take your advice and re-register it as a model P14 made by Enfield
My intention was to get the registration correct as I suspected it was wrong when I could not find information with my searches. It is not such a pain to change where I am, it just takes extra time.
There is no markings on the wood that I can find.
Way up on the front end of the lower stock group...there should be a single letter. Just under the barrel, right behind where it was marked by Parker-Hale. Look from the muzzle.
Thank you very much for your input and help.
It looks like it could be a Style C rifle no 3 after reading your article. browningautorifle
I found a number 11 on the end of the stock which I missed before...see attached photo.
What confused me after realizing that it is a P14 is all the different markings.
According other information I received:
The receiver and bolt is definitely Winchester and the barrel a BSA heavy.
All the rest of the parts are Eddystone marked "E"
The butt is also an original P14 and not P17