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Parker Hale serial number check M86/M87
Looking for a serial number check on a Parker hale action. It was labeled as M86. I think M87 is correct.
Serial number 02096C
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07-07-2022 05:06 PM
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That number is not logged in the files but numbers close to it are, and definately M86 rifles ie 02098c built on the 24th July 1987, sorry can't be more definitive on the search
'Tonight my men and I have been through hell and back again, but the look on your faces when we let you out of the hall - we'd do it all again tomorrow.' Major Chris Keeble's words to Goose Green villagers on 29th May 1982 - 2 PARA
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Nothing logged in the records I'm afraid.
'Tonight my men and I have been through hell and back again, but the look on your faces when we let you out of the hall - we'd do it all again tomorrow.' Major Chris Keeble's words to Goose Green villagers on 29th May 1982 - 2 PARA
Legacy Member
If 02139C is the one on Gunbroker that sold yesterday - it's an M86. These were surplus receivers that were sold by Numrich (Gun Parts) a couple years back. You see quite a few of these for sale. Pls check the hardness as some of these were not heat treated - in fact Numrich has a warning on the packaging.
Ron (Canada)
Legacy Member
Hi Gil,
Any record of 02106C? Currently for sale on GunBroker as another unfinished receiver. It is listed as an M98 receiver so it may go for cheap if anyone here is interested.
Legacy Member
A few years back these parts were widely available from the closure of Parke Hale, many I saw were partially finished & hadn't been hardened. Perhaps that's why this one is not on the list.
Contributing Member
02103C is there as an M86 produced 24th July 1987 sold to Precision Sports. Loads around the actual number but no record 02106C
'Tonight my men and I have been through hell and back again, but the look on your faces when we let you out of the hall - we'd do it all again tomorrow.' Major Chris Keeble's words to Goose Green villagers on 29th May 1982 - 2 PARA
Legacy Member
Thank you gents for the responses.