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Another good Carcano reference book
I’ve been looking for information on the Carcano rifles particularly the “Italy’s Battle Rifle”, but it’s been out of print for a while and I haven’t been able to find a reasonably priced copy. I ran across another very nice book while perusing fleabay a while back. It’s titled “The Model 1891 Carcano Rifle, A Detailed Development & Production History” by Giovanni Chegia & Alberto Simonelli, with Ralph Riccio. It has 320 pages, lots of color and black & white photos & drawings, and at about $50 seemed like a good deal to me. I got it from shootinggallerybooks and they have lots of other books that would be of interest to surplus collectors.
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Thank You to kenikas For This Useful Post:
02-18-2023 02:00 PM
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“The Model 1891 Carcano Rifle, A Detailed Development & Production History” by Giovanni Chegia & Alberto Simonelli is a excellent book, I have a copy myself and it has a ton of info in it. I personally quite like the 'other markings' section at the back where it shows various refurb and assorted markings. I used that to positively identify a Italian capture M95 for example as it had a Italian star refurb mark.
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I have both of them. Also have a couple of others, one on Italian small arms and a smaller paperback on the Carcano rifle, stapled binding.