Germanicon Military Abbreviations (1943)
Prepared by Military Intelligence Service, War Department, Washington
Special Series, No.12 April 12, 1943


An alphabetical listing of over 6,800 military abbreviations used by the German Wehrmacht during WWII (1939-1945) followed by the full German text and the English translations. Includes a section on unit markings and abbreviations, as well as a helpful introduction.

This is a Service Publications (1991-2017) (Ottawa, Canadaicon) reprint of a 1943 US Army publication. Softcover. 246 pages, digest size (about 5.5 X 7.75 inches; 14x19 cm). CONDITION: Clean, tight, unmarked, in almost-new condition. ISBN 9780969984504 / 0969984502.

Whether you’re a collector or a military historian, a very useful reference book to have at hand. You won’t find all this information collected in one place, much less as well organized, on any website on the planet. Which is why I bought this book. You should, too.

$25 USD
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