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31 Remington....Forum Thoughts ??
I'm a bit familiar with military shotguns, so when this one showed up in a local pawn shop...just HAD to have it ! 54,XXX serial range... CYL marked barrel..18" of barrel..then a poly choke No US marks or proofs. Nice ,clean gun..and I bought it right. What say the experts ?
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01-05-2024 10:29 AM
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Could this have been prison service or police service? I had one years ago, sold again for reasons I don't remember. To be military it should be marked. They were nice guns though...
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Really don't know..Years ago my Dad was a Sheriff in Indiana. He had a 97 in his police car.. His buddy was a Sheriff in Anniston ,Al. I remember visiting. He gave Dad a couple guns. I have them now..One is a mint 620 with barrel cut for trench gun...Another 520 Riot and a 620 Riot.. He carried an M2 in his police car. I recall us going to a gravel pit to shoot it..( Those were the days 1)..
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Originally Posted by
a mint 620 with barrel cut for trench gun
Love to see these in picture here...might also help with id of the '31 Rem... 620 has the transverse grooves? Lots of the old guys had trench guns as a car gun way back. Departments bought them as cheap surplus.
Legacy Member
The 620 barrel has the 3 trench gun cuts. The numbers on it look to be hand stamped..matches receiver...Remember that Anniston Armory was going strong back then..We would go to Alabama every couple years to visit family..and always stopped in Anniston..The others are like new. I think (guns are in safe) that the 520 is marked Ranger Sears...The photos for here are too much trouble..I would take a picture and Email it to a member to post..j...
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Some of the early Model 31 military guns only have an ordnance crossed cannons mark stamped on the left side of the stock. Sometimes this mark is not very clear and looks like a dent in the stock. Later military Model 31s are also marked "US Property" under the serial number on the receiver and they may also be marked with an RLB and ordnance bomb.
The barrel has been cut down. There were no 18 inch riot guns acquired by the military during WWII. They were all 20 inches.
Last edited by Tom Doniphon; 01-05-2024 at 01:25 PM.
Thank You to Tom Doniphon For This Useful Post:
Legacy Member
I mentioned that 18" of barrel shows. The poly choke is after that..
---------- Post added at 12:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:08 PM ----------
Got a better light and look..Left side stamped RA...Grip cap area A22.....????
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Originally Posted by
.I would take a picture and Email it to a member to post..j..
Take a group of pics and send them to me then. See your PM for email address....