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Japanese Type 38?
Posting this for a good friend who is valuing this rifle for an estate. I know a bit about Japanese
rifles, but was hoping a few experts would chime in and provide a bit more information. I believe it is a type 38, but interested in and more info you folks could provide including a guess at the value.
Thanx, delta6
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Thank You to delta6 For This Useful Post:
01-08-2024 11:58 AM
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You are correct, it is a Type 38, Tokyo arsenal. It’s hard to judge condition without looking at it in person. There are several factors when it comes to the value of a Type 38 such as matching parts, original stock finish, bore, mum and overall condition. The stock finish looks original with bumps and bruises. It’s missing the cleaning rod and based on the bluing, the dust cover doesn’t look like it matches and the mum looks intact. This is an older Type 38 rifle and parts should match the assembly number on the underside of the barrel and receiver.
Based on what I see in the pictures and viewing on a phone… I would put this rifle around $350, if it’s all matching, and you get an original cleaning rod, you’re looking around $500.
Legacy Member
You would have to check the bolt, dust cover, floorplate and trigger guard unit, and barrel bands for serial numbers. If they all match including the dust cover, it could substantially raise the value.
Some were matched by assembly number too. If you (carefully) remove the stock and look under the receiver, there should be another number- if that matches everything else, that's all matching too.
Contributing Member
I recommend you take the barrel/receiver out of the stock and check it. I recently did a refurbishment on a Type 38 and when I took it apart, I found someone had taken a torch to the bottom of the receiver and deactivated the rifle. It would have been a pretty bad situation if someone had tried to fire it. I have no idea of who did it or when. Your rifle looks like a good candidate for refurbishment and conservation.