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USMC WWII Short Blanket Roll
Decided today to set up my USMC pack system with the short blanket roll which consists of on shelter half, one blanket, one tent pole, 5 tent stakes and a rope.
So I found the manuel which tells you how to do this complete with pictures and I still can't figure it out. The instructions are very basic and the photos are crap. I also have a book with great pictures of the assembled unit but nothing on how to do it.
I rolled it up as close as I could figure to the instructions and photos and it lookis right but I know that it isn't.
Anyone actually know how to do this that can explain it adequately that I can figure it out.
The way I have it is the shelter half is folded in half long ways and laid down flat, offset folded about four inches so the double ends won't be seen. The blanket is folded in half long ways and then the ends are each folded in about a foot or so so the blanket is the width of the assembled tent pole. I then pull the blanket off the shelter half about four inches so that when rolled up the shelter half is going to completely hide the blanket. Tent pole is disassembled and placed in the center of the blanket, two pegs and the rope on the left, three pegs on the right. Then I fold the two shelter half ends in with the tips folded back on themselves. Then I roll it up, strap it in two places and put it on the pack. I still have to fold part of the inner shelter half inside the other and the blanket ends can still be seen.
Last edited by Aragorn243; 02-18-2024 at 12:03 PM.
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02-18-2024 11:55 AM
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Maybe no one knows why I'm doing this. I got the equipment straps today which were missing so it is now fully attached to the rucksack. To me, it looks about right although probably a little sloppy which is why I'd like to know exactly how to do it correctly. Somewhere in this house I have a shovel which will go in the center but haven't taken the time to locate it. I also have an early war ruchsack which is missing the top equipment strap which is sewn on. I will use one of the new straps to repair it and probably substitute it in for the upper pack which is late war.
Last edited by Aragorn243; 02-23-2024 at 06:02 PM.
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Originally Posted by
I found the manuel which tells you how to do this complete with pictures and I still can't figure it out.
Why don't you reproduce what the manual states here, including the pics, and see if people here can figure it out?
A detective once pointed out to me that a "number of brains working together" was always likely to be more successful at figuring out something than one brain working on it's own.
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Fair enough. The instructions from the Manual:
1 blanket
1 line, guy, shelter half
5 pins, tent, round, (shelter tent)
1 pole, shelter tent
1 tent, shelter, each half
To assemble:
1 lay out shelter half
2 fold blanket and place poles, pins and guy line as shown in figure 6 (see photo above) The width of the folded blanket should be the length of the extended tent pole or distance between ends of blanket may be measured as slightly more than the length of a tent pin
3 roll from bottom edge of tent
4 secure with tie ties
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Originally Posted by
a WWII dated USMC blanket
How long IS that blanket? Looks like about eight ft long...
Contributing Member
Pretty sure that's just distortion from the phone camera. I didn't measure it but it looks to be about the same as a US blanket. Seller says it's 45x55 inches which I'm sure is completely wrong. Based on the sidewalk where I laid it out, it's 88x55 which is in the margin of error for these. No one seems to post the same measurements.
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