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Thread: please help identify 8 mm ammo

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    Legacy Member mdl686's Avatar
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    please help identify 8 mm ammo

    any help would be appreciated
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    A Collector's View - The SMLE Short Magazine Lee Enfield 1903-1989. It is 300 8.5x11 inch pages with 1,000+ photo’s, most in color, and each book is serial-numbered.  Covering the SMLE from 1903 to the end of production in India in 1989 it looks at how each model differs and manufacturer differences from a collecting point of view along with the major accessories that could be attached to the rifle. For the record this is not a moneymaker, I hope just to break even, eventually, at $80/book plus shipping.  In the USA shipping is $5.00 for media mail.  I will accept PayPal, Zelle, MO and good old checks (and cash if you want to stop by for a tour!).  CLICK BANNER to send me a PM for International pricing and shipping. Manufacturer of various vintage rifle scopes for the 1903 such as our M73G4 (reproduction of the Weaver 330C) and Malcolm 8X Gen II (Unertl reproduction). Several of our scopes are used in the CMP Vintage Sniper competition on top of 1903 rifles. Brian Dick ... BDL Ltd. - Specializing in British and Commonwealth weapons Specializing in premium ammunition and reloading components. Your source for the finest in High Power Competition Gear. Here at T-bones Shipwrighting we specialise in vintage service rifle: re-barrelling, bedding, repairs, modifications and accurizing. We also provide importation services for firearms, parts and weapons, for both private or commercial businesses.

  3. #2
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    I can help with some of this:

    15 Patr. stands for patronen which means cartridges.
    S.m.K. means armor piercing.
    L'spur (Leuchtspur) means tracer.
    **Not sure on the 100/600.... possibly from a lot made with 100 Tracers in 600 ?
    Meib means the tracer color is white
    EDQ is the plant the cartridge components were assembled by which was: Deutsche Waffen- u. Munitionsfabriken AG, Luebeck-Schlutup
    2. L. 38 means it was their 2nd delivery lot of 1941
    NZicon. Gew. Bl. P. means nitro cellulose rifle flaked powder. (2, 2, 0.45) means the powder particles are 2mm by 2mm by .45 mm.
    The powder was made by HAS, delivery lot 13 of 1940. HAS- Pulverfabrik Hasloch, Hasloch on the Main
    Patrh. means cartridge case. Case made by EDQ delivery lot 3 of 1941. The S* means the composition of the brass was 72% copper.
    Gesch. means bullet, made by EDQ delivery lot 1 of 1941
    Geschossteile, The maker of the armor piercing core (Geschossteile) is also EDQ. No lot or date are given.

    ? 2nd line above the bottom that looks like: Sag, I believe is who made the White color tracer composition which would be EDQ.
    Last line I can't make out the 1st word, but it has to do with the primer being a 88 made by SKD = Selve Kronbiegel Dornheim AG of Sömmerda.

    For future reference I found the Germanicon (etc) ammunition abbreviations on the box on the site below:

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    Advisory Panel Surpmil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by painter777 View Post
    I can help with some of this:

    **Not sure on the 100/600.... possibly from a lot made with 100 Tracers in 600 ?
    My guess would be the trace lit at 100 and burned out by 600 metres, more or less.

    So the word "batch" is common to both languages, I wasn't aware of that.
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