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Thread: Low Serial Number 1903 Springfield At The Range

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    Legacy Member oldfoneguy's Avatar
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    Low Serial Number 1903 Springfield At The Range

    So I finally got around to loading up some low velocity 150gr spitzer rounds for the 1914 vintage 1903 Springfield and brought them both to the range. I expected good things from this rifle because of the bore condition and it didn't disappoint. I'll provide my round formula in the A & R section.

    This rifle was throughly checked by myself and a good friend who is a professional gunsmith who applied his trade for the USMC. No issues were found anywhere with the receiver. Headspace was so perfect you would think it was new. Deemed safe to shoot with standard velocity ammunition. I went a step further and loaded up low velocity rounds which were a pleasure on this old shoulder I have to say. The unmarked rounds was me peppering the target with the carbine. The wind really picked up after an hour and was blowing those little carbine heads all over the place.

    So shot 1 a 6 o'clock hold disappeared and I couldn't find it through the spotting scope so shot 2 was a dead center hold and became very obvious through the scope. Made a little windage adjustment and fired off a continuous 5 shot group 3. Needless to say I'm more than impressed by this 110 year old milsurp. I've ordered a USMC sight set for it that's on the way but I had to get it on paper. Hopefully those sights will be easier on my old eyes. I couldn't see the target through the .050 peep to save my life so I had to use the battle sight. We'll see how much the groups improve with those sights.
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