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Thread: Tokarev TT-33 pistol dropping mag after each round is fired. Any tips?

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    Legacy Member bczrx's Avatar
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    Tokarev TT-33 pistol dropping mag after each round is fired. Any tips?

    I have a Tokarev TT-33 and every time I fire the gun the magazine releases.

    I am thinking that the hammer rotating to the rear causes the sear spring to push forward and press on the magazine, causing it to override the mag catch spring.

    Does this seem like I am on the right track?

    Anyone have any other suggestions?

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    I think your magazine catch spring is hooped. Replace it for a new one. Or your magazine catch is worn and won't engage.
    Regards, Jim

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    Advisory Panel tiriaq's Avatar
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    And if you are going to remove the mag. catch remember that it doesn't come out the way a 1911's does...

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    Legacy Member 72 usmc's Avatar
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    Does the mag lock in? Is it after market or an original? Links for total take down:

    Check the magazine catch notch on the mag, is it bent in, does the mag lock into the pistol, worn notch? Try different original mags.
    Is it an after marked cheep magazine or original?
    Replace the Magazine catch. Look at or replace the two springs.

    If you have replaced the magazine catch with different replacement parts, there are only a few possible options:

    *The magazines themselves have worn-down release notches; or the notch is not cut correctly on the side of the mag and needs refinement-- file top or bottom so the mag engages the catch. The vintage beat magazines may show wear on the edges. The end of the catch may be worn away?

    *The magazine release spring is worn down, causing it to apply insufficient pressure and therefore not retain your magazines??
    Look the magazine over, then look at the catch. Be sure the mag is locked in and does not pull out.
    Last edited by 72 usmc; 09-25-2024 at 05:52 PM.

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    Legacy Member bczrx's Avatar
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    Thanks for the insight everyone.

    I will pull it out of the safe this weekend to inspect and try some of your suggestions.

    It is a 1941- produced Russianicon and the magazines are marked with Cyrillic characters. Not sure if that makes them Russian or Polish [I have a Polish/Radom version also and no problems with dropped mags on that one, using the same mags].

  10. #6
    Legacy Member 72 usmc's Avatar
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    Some pistols can use certain mags OK, others the notch may be off. Look at the notch or put some white out near the notch, let it dry, insert ithe mag and look at markings on or near the notch to see if the catch is too high or low, or off to a side. If the mag locks in and you cannot pull it out by hand (without the mag release button), then look over the catch on the pistol. By any chance, if a bring back, is the mag matching? Then it is correctly fitted and the problem is most likely the catch or spring. Does the problem happen with any spare mag on just that pistol? If you have two pistols you most likely have 4 magazines to try in the pistol. If the Russianicon pistol is import marked, do the markings match on the trigger group, slide, and frame (rebuilt)?

    I never did write up my Russian bring backs. But here is some old info about the M57s I have. Back in the day i collected by crest.
    You may also enjoy this book by White: Tokarev Pistols
    The Complete Book of Tokarev Pistols by White - Mowbray Publishing
    Last edited by 72 usmc; 09-25-2024 at 09:39 PM.

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    Legacy Member bczrx's Avatar
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    The Russianicon Tok has all matching serial numbers and no added safety cobbled together.

    I don't recall import marks on it, but need to dig it out to verify that one way or the other.

    I don't have original matching mags for either pistol- but I purchased Com-Block mags for them, and at least a few are Russian I believe.

    I also have a 9mm conversion barrel and 9mm mags, but don't recall who made those.

    FYI, I work to avoid Pro-Mag at all costs and am very leary of 3K mags, but have some as there were no alternatives for my Sig P220 .38Super American mag release. At least none that weren't 150-200$ each.

    I'll try the whiteout and test the mag catch.

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    It was the Polish TT that had the problem.

    Got it disassembled and could see that the mag catch was rounded so badly there was no sharp edge to go into the mag catch notch in the magazine tube. It was basically applying spring pressure to the side of the magazine tube to hold it in.

    Now to find a mag catch. Wish I could find a specifically Polish one to keep it all original, but I guess this isn't the most important part to keep original.

    Also need to track down a sear spring for my Russianicon TT33.

    Thanks for the tips everyone!

  16. #10
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    Gunbusters has parts kits all the time, usually Norinco 213s

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