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Can a Canadian brother help out
I'm looking for someone in Canada
that could help me out. I need to order an extractor for my Glock but cannot find a dealer in the US that has it in stock. I located a company in Canada that has them. They do noy ship to the US. Looking for someone that would be willing to receive the extractor and forward to me. Will pay all shipping costs and a reasonable fee for helping me out.
Thank You to dodge15 For This Useful Post:
12-20-2024 04:21 PM
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Originally Posted by
Looking for someone that would be willing to receive the extractor and forward to me. Will pay all shipping costs and a reasonable fee for helping me out.
Are we not violating ITAR doing that?
The Following 3 Members Say Thank You to browningautorifle For This Useful Post:
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Are you positive that this extractor is not available in the US? Glock has discontinued a few extractors over the decades but they are still available from time to time here in the US. My Glock 19 is an early Gen 3 which takes a special extractor that is discontinued but after a couple years of searching I finally found some on eBay and bought four of them. I believe it's the 15° by 5°extractor without LCI that mine takes if my memory serves. Discontinued part number SP01889. Exactly which extractor are you searching for ? Also, maybe someone on the Glock forums could help you there as well, especially if it's a hard to find extractor.hth
Last edited by jond41403; 12-20-2024 at 07:15 PM.
"good night Chesty, Wherever You Are"
Legacy Member
It's for a Glock 44, .22lr pistol. Part number is 50702 (marked 39070-1). I've ran many google searches, all show out of stock. As for the Glock forums I'm unable to post (not enough posts).
Last edited by dodge15; 12-20-2024 at 07:34 PM.
Contributing Member
Are we not violating ITAR doing that?
Doesn't that just apply to technology and products LEAVING the US?
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Originally Posted by
products LEAVING the US
Here's a link for YOU to sus it out. I personally wouldn't ship off the cuff as it's too convoluted.
Importing Gun Parts and Accessories Into the U.S. | USA Customs Clearance
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Originally Posted by
It's for a Glock 44, .22lr pistol. Part number is 50702 (marked 39070-1). I've ran many google searches, all show out of stock. As for the Glock forums I'm unable to post (not enough posts).
You may have to end up sending it back to Glock to have them fix it. I researched that part number and found a few threads where people were asking the exact same question and could not find that specific extractor but if you were to send it back to Glock, they will replace it for free to my understanding.hth
"good night Chesty, Wherever You Are"
Legacy Member
Can't send it to Glock for replacement. I purchased a stripped slide I'm trying to complete. Cannot find a US distributor that has it in stock. Only found it in Canada
and Spain! The extractor is the only part I'm lacking.
Legacy Member
Maybe a lot more than what you bargained for but on eBay right now from a seller BigChieft76 has a Glock 44 complete slide and spare parts listed. Little pricey it's over $200 but if you were planning on getting extra parts in the future anyhow, this may be a good avenue to take, especially if the parts are hard to come by. but I did notice the extractor is indeed in the slide.hth
"good night Chesty, Wherever You Are"
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Firearms and their parts are included in the USMIL (United State Munitions Import List) which generally requires an FFL to import such items......generally. If you don't have an FFL Customs and Border Patrol officers can and will hold the item to give them time to research what the item is and to whom it is being shipped. I found this all out the hard way when I bought a PH5A sight from an eBay seller in Australia
. After a few moths passed I asked for and received a refund from the seller only to have the sight show up after 6 months will all sorts of stamps and tags attached. Often CBP doesn't have the time or inclination to check everything so that's when items are either returned to the seller or simply disappear. It's a crapshoot either way. The Addley Precision scope mounts I purchased arrive promptly without a hiccup. One of my brothers is a CBP Field officer (green uniform) and he explained how the CBP officers who man the border crossings and airports (blue uniforms) are generally a lower grade of recruit and often don't understand the first thing about firearms and firearm accessories which explains why some parts fly through customs while others languish in CBP warehouses.
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