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No4mk1 rear handguard ring
I bought a rear hand guard ring from liberty tree,things about .010 too large.maybe they sent the wrong ring,I dont have an original to compare it to.ideas on making it fit?cant seem to find an actual original ring.
12-28-2024 07:58 PM
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The handguard ring for the P'14 and US M1917 fit the description of the one LT sent.
Contributing Member
The handguard ring for the P'14 and US M1917 fit the description of the one LT sent.
Thats what I was thinking,I sent an email but no reply yet
Advisory Panel

Originally Posted by
maybe they sent the wrong ring
You'll find many can't tell the difference and have no reference to actual proof of type.
Thank You to browningautorifle For This Useful Post: