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GEW 88 Safety Issue
Good Evening,
I have an early '88 (1889) that runs great except the safety. If I move the safety lever from Safe to Ready with conviction, the weapon discharges. This does not happen if I move the lever slowly. Anyone have this issue.
01-04-2025 07:00 PM
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Sounds like tenuous sear engagement. Have you tried cocking it and whacking the receiver with a plastic mallet to see if the striker releases without a trigger pull?
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Agreed! I have some parts on order from Apex.
Thank You to rescuerandy2 For This Useful Post:
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Apex has Gew 88 parts? I'll have to look into that.
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Unfortunately, they don't have what I need, a bolt head.
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When I saw the thread title I was curious as to which safety issue you were referring to (as the Gew 88 has so many to choose from). Sounds like worn parts in this particular case though.
Thank You to Eaglelord17 For This Useful Post:
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I have four so if I really need to take that one to the range, I can swap out a bolt head. I keep looking for a reasonably priced one. Saw one that just sold for what an entire rifle can be had for in some areas.
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