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Odd rifle amongst the Ross'...
Here's a pic quoted as "8Pl, B Coy 49th CEF(Loyal Eddies). See them all holding their Ross rifles but this individual third from right seated has an odd looking rifle. There's another along the seated row at left and in the big picture is yet another at the second from far left(not included here. Here's a couple pics to help identify. Possible a .22 training rifle?
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01-18-2025 10:42 PM
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The difference seems to be a longer and thinner wooden forendat the muzzel
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I'm thinking it's a carbine Jim. The Ross .22 trainer doesn't have a mid barrel band or magazine depressor.
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Just curious as there's three numbered in the front row.
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They do look like carbines. Early mag cut-off, Lange vizier type rear sight, shorter barrel and no bayonet lug.
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Originally Posted by
Low & Slow
They do look like carbines. Early mag cut-off, Lange vizier type rear sight, shorter barrel and no bayonet lug.
Apparently so, here's a thread illustrating. Not so many of them out there I guess.
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Adding a couple pics swiped from our own "Boltaction"...
Last edited by browningautorifle; 01-19-2025 at 06:52 PM.
Regards, Jim
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MkI Carbines yup. These have the MkII rear sight (rollercoaster type) on them plus the shorter barrel and no bayonet lug on the early style front band. These I believe are identical to the RNWMP MkI Rosses. Correct me if I’m wrong, I’m by no means an expert on the military Rosses.
Last edited by flying pig; 01-21-2025 at 02:50 AM.
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Originally Posted by
flying pig
These I believe are identical to the RNWMP MkI Rosses.
That was exactly what came up in the searches after I was told it was a carbine. Mountie carbines...
Thank You to browningautorifle For This Useful Post:
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From "The Ross Rifle Story" regarding the MkI Carbine:
"This is the first Ross rifle issued to the RNWMP and was abandoned when it could be done with the least political repercussions. Weak springs, cast shoe (receiver), tight bore of 0.300", fragile rear sight, and no primary extraction for spent rounds were among the chief complaints against this rifle."
We must assume, however that the MkI Carbine was suitable for our military.
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