Patrick Chadwick

I don’t worry or have to care about excess bolt thrust, I do NOT lube or oil my cases and never plan to. I found the Excel program to calculate bolt thrust on the internet and it automatically computed these figures and I didn’t design it or need it.

I listened to someone who told me it was OK to lube my cartridge cases once and damaged a rifle when I was much younger. Between what information I have posted here in this forum I hope no one else even thinks about lubing their cases.

None of us has the test equipment to measure actual bolt thrust, therefore someone saying “I think its safe to ignore the warnings” means less than nothing.

Using the rubber o-ring method of fire forming cases and getting over 30 reloadings without lubing cases speaks for itself.

I have also shown the printed warnings for civilian and military firearms about not lubing and oiling cases. And yet some people still think they know more than the very people who do have the proper pressure measuring equipment and printed the warnings.

If you go to a bench rest shooting forum like -- Best Guide to Precision Shooting and Precision Rifle Accuracy
you will see shooters cleaning their chambers and bores with carburetor cleaner, acetone etc. to remove any traces of oil in their chambers. They will even go as far as wiping the cases with Windex to remove oily fingerprints.

Below in 1946 Jim Sweet gave us some very good information about shooting the Enfield Rifleicon in his “Competitive Rifle Shooting”.

"Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it"
Winston Churchill

NOTICE: No Enfield's were hurt or injured during the making of this posting.