What's the best overall quality V-42 replica or more modern "official" manufacture? Lots of copies have and are being produced, but at least visually most are pretty abysmal.

Supposedly original V-42s issued to the 1st Special Service Force occasionally come up for sale, but are FAR outside my budget. A handful were issued to the US Navy, but are extremely rare and appear to have been exactly the same as the 1 SSF version except for, possibly, ownership markings or stampings.

Case (the original manufacturer) manufactured a version from 1989-1993, and I assume it matched their original in every respect; also very hard to find. Rumors other official or semi-official manufacturers produced it in the last few decades, but clearly the Chinese are in the mix as well with their $30 copies.

Ton of comments, "feedback," and opinions around the web, but don't seem to come from subject matter experts. SMEs certainly exist, but I've yet to find them after a LOT of searching.

Thoughts on which are the best quality and most accurate non-original knives?
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