Greetings! I was looking at some of the pics provided by RCS of early gas port rebuilds and something spoke to me. As I enjoy shooting, I would like to build something that would approximate one (well, as close as I can at the moment, I have some grooved handguard clips and lower bands).

I’m looking for the “proper color” if such a thing exists. Normally I strip all previous stain (even if new) and use a dye

I have read that sometime in 1942 Springfield went from a raw linseed oilicon dunk on stocks to a linseed/tung mix.

I have a few questions and hope to find some answers.

1. Do we know exactly when the switch to the mix happened?

2. Do we know what the actual proportion of the mix of linseed and “china wood oil” was?
3. What stain was used? Did they change the stain as production continued? (I know that they stopped using logwood earlier, also, I’ve seen pics that show very light-colored stocks, almost as if unstained Missouri black walnut).

4. Did Winchester continue using raw linseed straight or did they go to tung?

5. Did Winchester also use stain or did they use logwood? I swear I’ve seen some pics of Winchester stocks that look RED.

Also, I know everyone here collects. Is this the wrong forum for asking about this in order to put together my own? Is this more of a collectors only place?

Many Thanks
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