That reminds me......... Shaggy dog story coming up. About 20 years ago I got into conversation with a US visitor, visiting an old deserted USAF base here in Southmoor. She had a lot of her dads old paperwork from when he was a USAF flier by the name of Bill Mareen, in the war and was slowly going around all the places in his flying log where he was based and flew from, flying Douglas B25(?) 2 engine Havocs - or were they Bostons? Anyway. She was totally lost regarding one place, in the book as BARCHAM. Not Marcham close to Southmoor but BARCHAM. The most amazing thing about this man was post war correspondence with an English farmer on who's land the airfield was built.

Had enough yet....., or shall I go on. We eventually discovered that the airfield was BOREHAM in Essex or Boreham Wood as it is now. So like Barcham is Boreham, your NOLAND is Englandicon! But he did fly a few times from Southmoor, hence her being here

But back to the farmer........ It turned out that on a couple of occasions, on their was to a training flight or a look-see operation over to Caen, they revved their engines at one side of the airfield, the farmer clambered on board, sick bag at the ready and off they all went for a jolly