Quote Originally Posted by Peter Laidlericon View Post
Back to Singapore Police....... At 40 Base, we used tpo deal with the Singapore Police Field and Base workshop work, via their link man, a really nice Inspector called Gerry (?) Soliano. He occasionally took a couple of us out in the evening, together with our liaison man, Mr Amto, for a decent REAL Chinese meal although he was what used to be called Eurasian. Sad that I remember it, but his father was the bandmaster of the Police Band based at the old Army barracks, the infamous Brit POW compound called Sellarang Barracks.

Sorry about remembering all of these sad facts....... But I wonder what hapened to the 6 Australianicon Navy Lanchesters that were left in the main armoury at 40 Base!
It's always interesting Peter, I bet the Lanchesters all disappeared as 'trophies' after being declared obsolete and ended up mounted on walls or in the back of cupboards....