T38 rifles were pulled from Stores to modify to a sniper configuration to test the use of telescopics in combat. This rifle was put together about 1929 or 1930.
Since installing the scope block on the left side of the receiver and thereby removing the serial number, a new serial number for the rifle was stamped on top of the scope block - this rifle is serial number 189. This rifle came out of a collection of an old WW11 veteran who recently died. He had served in the occupation of Japan under Gen. Curtis Lemay and this is believed to be the reason he was able to bring back this rifle and a ton of other stuff that is for sale.
This rifle is the eight one known to exist and it originally carried a 4x scope that attached to the block by sliding in from the front. There are only 3 known scopes to exist for this rifle.
Notice that the block has six screws and two dowels and the block that was accepted on the T97 only had four screws and two dowels. Another interesting thing is each screw was drilled on the edge and a pin driven in so it could not turn out.Information
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