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Remington M1903 - Your opinions about
Salu2 a to2
FISAT Life Member & NRA Life Member
09-20-2012 10:14 AM
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N.S. bolt, means Nickel Steel, not original, but nice. Front sight replaced. Looks quite nice overall. Nice pick up in Europe.
Thank You to Calif-Steve For This Useful Post:
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The stock cartuches are not original USGI at all . I cannot tell if they were added to a USGI unmarked replacement stock or a reproduction stock , though . I'm guessing repro . Better people will chime in.
Thank You to emmagee1917 For This Useful Post:
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"RLB" on top of crossed cannons??
Thank You to Mike D For This Useful Post:
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stamps are humped, rear sight is Onida LTD, lend lease rifle, with a replaced, refinished stock.
Thank You to Chuckindenver For This Useful Post:
Actually, the stamps on the metal are British export marks. While the rifle could be L/L, the stamps were applied to all firearms that were sent from the UK, including those that passed through from another country. I agree the stock inspection stamps are not genuine. A correct stock probably would have a "spread" RLB stamp. A number of the parts are replacements.
Last edited by Rick the Librarian; 09-21-2012 at 08:33 AM.
People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.
--George Orwell
Thank You to Rick the Librarian For This Useful Post:
Advisory Panel
The rifle has been arsenal-overhauled, refinished, and re-assembled from mixed parts. Many of the stock markings are not authentic.
Hope this helps.
Thank You to John Beard For This Useful Post:
Legacy Member
That helped a lot to understand the real quality and collectable value of the rifle.
I will forward the link to my friend so that he can read.
I think he bought the rifle without getting any expert information first as I did instead when in early September I asked for Your opinions about my Springfield M1903 of 1913 before any doing and which I bought only after listening to Your comments.
Thank You again for Your help.
Salu2 a to2
FISAT Life Member & NRA Life Member
Legacy Member
One picture went lost, maybe forum pictures script missed it and it is now displaying Imageshack error message.
Here it is again
Salu2 a to2
FISAT Life Member & NRA Life Member
Legacy Member
Here a further detail of the cartouches
Salu2 a to2
FISAT Life Member & NRA Life Member