Jay Currah's Lee Enfield Web Site
Hello everyone ...
As many serious Enfield collectors know, Jay Currah's excellent webs site about the Lee Enfield Rifle, disappeared from the Internet about six months ago.
On behalf of many members here, we contacted Jay and he indicated that he had indeed closed his site. He said that the ISP, server and bandwidth costs to operate his web site continued to rise, while the amount of visitors declined steadily, so he couldn't justify its continued operation.
We can certainly relate to how expensive it is to operate a site on the internet and it's only through the continued support of our Contributing Members (click here), that we're able to maintain our own on-line web site presence. One that supports our shared enjoyment of milsurp collecting, using a dedicated host server attached to high network bandwidth, which guarantees performance under load and minimizes traffic delays.
In order to preserve Jay's fourteen year legacy of historic Enfield research, we offered and he accepted, to resurrect the content of his web site at our expense and host it here on our server for free.
Upon receiving the content of his site on a CD, we realized that this wasn't going to be an easy task, as the programming format was old and highly proprietary, not conducive to an easy migration. So, we decided to spend $600 U.S. of your membership donations to hire an HTML programmer, who over the last six months has completely re-built Jay's site and integrated it into our servers, yet he's managed to maintain the "look and feel" of Jay's original site. Many thanks to member Dartho (Darren) for his fine work and dedication to making this happen.
Jay's site may be accessed as a sub-forum under our regular The Lee Enfield Knowledge Library Collectors Forum, or if you wish, click on the pic below and bookmark (save) the link in your browser for direct access.
Please share the new link to Jay's site across the Internet with other gun sites, so the many Enfield Rifle collectors worldwide who have missed his valuable resource site, will be able to once again access and reference the excellent content he accumulated over the years.
Warning: This is a relatively older thread This discussion is older than 360 days. Some information contained in it may no longer be current. |
Last edited by Badger; 09-20-2013 at 07:41 AM.
The Following 14 Members Say Thank You to Badger For This Useful Post:
72 usmc,
Bill Hollinger,
Time Bandit,
09-20-2013 07:37 AM
Friends and Sponsors
I have never shot or owned an Enfield. Even though it has a place in American history when Sergeant York used one in the action of the Meuse-Argonne Offensive that resulted in him being awarded the Medal of Honor.
I find this site interesting, well put together, and very informative. A great addition.
Thank You to JimF4M1s (Deceased) For This Useful Post:
(M1 Garand/M14/M1A Rifles)
Nicely done! I like that you maintained his "feel" for the site.
"It is said, 'Go not to the elves for counsel for they will say both no and yes.' "
Frodo Baggins to Gildor Inglorion, The Fellowship of the Ring
Thank You to Bob Womack For This Useful Post:
Advisory Panel
Thank you for saving a valuable resource!
Thank You to Patrick Chadwick For This Useful Post:
Badger, you're a philanthropist! Well done & thanks. Great to see Jay's site available again.
Thank You to Roger Payne For This Useful Post:
Thanks, and nice to see it back. I contributed info to the site however not as much as I would have liked.
Welcome back.
Thank You to Warren For This Useful Post:
Legacy Member
I used it quite a bit. Glad it's back. Thanks, Badger!
Thank You to gsimmons For This Useful Post:
Senior Moderator
(Milsurp Forums)
Great job Doug. Looks good and packed with great information.
Bill Hollinger
"We're surrounded, that simplifies our problem!"
Thank You to Bill Hollinger For This Useful Post:
NO Posting or PM's Allowed
A number of my Enfields were (are) featured on Jay's site. Glad to see it's been resurrected.
Legacy Member