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Parker Hale M85 Serial Number Checks & Provenance on Manufacture (Records)
Last edited by Gil Boyd; 02-06-2014 at 10:46 AM.
'Tonight my men and I have been through hell and back again, but the look on your faces when we let you out of the hall - we'd do it all again tomorrow.' Major Chris Keeble's words to Goose Green villagers on 29th May 1982 - 2 PARA
Thank You to Gil Boyd For This Useful Post:
02-06-2014 09:00 AM
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Legacy Member
Thanks Gil!! Really good idea shame it couldn't be rolled out across the board as we are all mere custodians of our fine and in some cases rare firearms. A list like this will save the next generation a lot of legwork and scratching around searching for history.
Thank You to chosenman For This Useful Post:
Contributing Member
00413F - Hand built by Eddie Taff RIP Head Gunsmith of Parker Hale on the 17th of January 1990 in NATO Green stock, 17.8mm at 100 yards (10 shot group) sold to Buckland
My M85
Last edited by Gil Boyd; 02-06-2014 at 10:10 AM.
'Tonight my men and I have been through hell and back again, but the look on your faces when we let you out of the hall - we'd do it all again tomorrow.' Major Chris Keeble's words to Goose Green villagers on 29th May 1982 - 2 PARA
Thank You to Gil Boyd For This Useful Post:
Legacy Member
Hi Gil,
Have you any info on M85 00241F??
Contributing Member
00241F - Built on the 9th of December 1987 in Desert Camo stock one of ten the same with no known destination recorded.
17.7mm at 100 yards (10 Shot Group)
Thats all recorded on that one Steve
'Tonight my men and I have been through hell and back again, but the look on your faces when we let you out of the hall - we'd do it all again tomorrow.' Major Chris Keeble's words to Goose Green villagers on 29th May 1982 - 2 PARA
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Rifle 02078C
The rifle you have started life as an M86 not an M87 as it has a clamped foresight.
It was built on the 8/6/1989 by Bill Smallwood who can't remember it specifically but that is not surprising, as he saw hundreds.
I can tell however it was sold to Precision Sports, location UK or USA not known
It fired 20.5mm with 10 rounds at 100 yards
'Tonight my men and I have been through hell and back again, but the look on your faces when we let you out of the hall - we'd do it all again tomorrow.' Major Chris Keeble's words to Goose Green villagers on 29th May 1982 - 2 PARA
Thank You to Gil Boyd For This Useful Post:
Legacy Member
Hi Gil,
Do you have any info on M87 02088C?
Thank you,
Cold Zero
Contributing Member
Rifle - M85 S/N 00203F
Built by Bill Smallwood on 28-8-1987
16.4mm group 10 round 100yds
Jungle stock
Purchased by Combat Equipment Sweden.
'Tonight my men and I have been through hell and back again, but the look on your faces when we let you out of the hall - we'd do it all again tomorrow.' Major Chris Keeble's words to Goose Green villagers on 29th May 1982 - 2 PARA
Contributing Member
Cold Zero,
M86-M87 same action different barrels
Rifle - M87 S/N 02088C....... C- stands for CLIP a Detachable magazine
7.62 on the 30th June 1987 built by Eddie Taff
15.8mm group 10 rounds 100 yards
Purchased by West Midlands Police fitted with a PECA sight with a one piece mount
Addition: Eddie Taff 30/9/87 changed it to 7mm belted round/ Remington Magazine
'Tonight my men and I have been through hell and back again, but the look on your faces when we let you out of the hall - we'd do it all again tomorrow.' Major Chris Keeble's words to Goose Green villagers on 29th May 1982 - 2 PARA
Thank You to Gil Boyd For This Useful Post: