If it was a Saturday I was probably in there that day. There was a stretch from 79 to 92 that I was there almost every weekend 12 months a year feeding my addiction. Here in the northeast there was no place better for it since Bannermans closed when I was a kid. Saw the store transform many times over based on the most recent lots acquired. It was an extremely sad day when we got there and saw the old store building with the worn out wood floor was closed because the building was condemned. There were grown men in the parking lot weeping! They had moved the store across the parking lot to the building next to Auto Ordnance with the cannons out front. The store became tiny just an order counter with some blister package items hanging around. No more rack after rack of long guns, no more barrels full of bargains, no more yards of pistols or musty surplus items. It hit so hard we just stopped going and I assume many others did too because the small store was closed for good the next time we went 3 years later. Of course by that time I'd been married for years and had a house and kids so the endless spending spree was long over. Was there 3 years ago and nothing is there now. The old building was torn down and Auto Ordnance and the small building were locked down tight however the cannons were still there. Auto Ordnance had been sold to Khar Arms and the entire operation was moved to Connecticut. I have no idea where Gun Parts Corp has moved to but it's no longer on that property however it is still in NY.