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Yard Sales, Flea Markets and Antique Shops 2022
Getting an earlier start than most years. Antique shops today. Kind of slim pickings as usual but I did come across a reasonably priced M1950 US Army one burner stove today. It's a Roger's 1966 Vietnam era to go with my Rodgers 1952 Korean War era stove. They are similar being made by the same company but as you might expect, some simplification occurred between the two. The Vietnam stove is very plain with no extras, the Korean era stove has checkering around the burner and a more detailed priming knob. This one has the little parts container, the wrench and a matching year and manufacturer case for $60 which is pretty cheap for one of these.
Other pick ups were an M43 hood for an M43 jacket that I don't have and a web belt I believe is WWII but it is hard to decipher the stampings. I should probably stop buying weird things but who knows, I might find the jacket next week, or 10 years from now.
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02-06-2022 07:37 PM
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Originally Posted by
M1950 US Army one burner stove
We used those for ages. I had a scad of parts at one time...wonder where those could be?
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Now you know you can not stop buying weird stuff. If you did the family would start to worry that you were having mental issues.
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Originally Posted by
a web belt I believe is WWII but it is hard to decipher the stampings.
By the way, did you show us the belt yet?
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By the way, did you show us the belt yet?
I did not and I now have no idea where I put it. I got another odd conglomeration of stuff today. Another US canteen of a manufacture I haven't seen before F E CO 1943, an East German transitional AK 47 bayonet and a WWI Russian shovel dated 1915 that was probably refurbished by the Finns.
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Originally Posted by
I now have no idea where I put it.
It'll surface eventually...
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Nice clean 48 star, getting hard to find vintage examples like that.
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