First new item of the year arrived today. eBay purchase. I picked up the USMC Australian blanket last year but kept searching for a US made one. First one I've seen with a tag and without holes that went for less than $100.
1943 dated, looks better in person. Photos don't do it justice, blanket looks unused. I can see why the tags are missing on so many of these, they only sew the one edge. My daughter's gift to me. She always gets me eBay gift cards for Christmas, and I put them to good use.
I've been fairly housebound since Christmas. Nasty head cold that is just hanging on and has gotten into my teeth. They hurt like heck. Staying home on the weekends checking eBay.
Sharing that bug last 7 days. That said I'm getting better and Pray you and your Wife are also. My Son is also. He might get out of the Hospital on Friday.
As stated in another thread, 2025 Better year for all of us.
Nice ebay blanket find. You do come up with some of the most interesting stuff!! THANKS for sharing..
Still sitting at home this weekend. I am finally feeling better. Teeth still hurt some but I stopped taking pain meds. Head is 95% cleared up. Surprise eBay package arrived today. Wasn't expecting it until next week.
Another addition to my entrenching tool collection, a Bulgarian WWI pick with carrying case. I have strong suspicions the carrying case is not of WWI vintage as it looks more cold war era other than being actual leather. Maybe WWII.
Dated 1915, it's roughly the same size as the US pick.
I made a short trek out to a few antique malls I haven't hit recently. Most everything was overpriced but I got a couple of things. A Korean War era canvas water bag and a 1945 Collette canteen cover with a Vietnam era cup. MECO was made without a date in 1968. Canteen was a made in Japan.
Do you look for or have handles made for the entrenching, shovels, hatchets etc you find that need them? Years back I had 6 official Boy Scout Hatchet heads my Father had collected over the years that needed IIRC 15" handles. I found and used Beaver Tooth who had the size I needed. I've also used them for handles for 2 different WWII Shovels and 2 WWII Entrenching tools with different size head openings. Currently have 4- 1920's - early 30's Ax heads at his shop to be fitted. If not in a rush he'll do custom cutting / fitting when needed. With that said thou he does give good illustrations on how to measure your opening vs what his replacements measure. On my 'Vintage gear' I mimic a aged / stressed finish so it doesn't look like a fresh off the shelf replacement. This is where his #2 Grade comes in handy- it already has some minor chips dents but fully useable and saves you some $$.
Just curious so thought I'd ask and recommend a good supplier.
A Country Has No Greater Responsibility Than To Care For Those Who Served...
I have never needed handles until now. All my entrenching tools have been complete. The Bulgarian pick however did not come with a handle so at some point I'll probably head to the nearby hardware store and see what they have. I've been watching picks from Eastern Europe on eBay for a bit and very few of them come with handles. Those that do have been in horrible shape. The Russian picks themselves have been rough. I'm thinking a lot of these are coming out of WWI trenches in Ukraine, they are heavily pitted, and the handles missing or rotted. So if and when I find an appropriate Russian pick at the right price, I'll probably need one for it as well.
I actually have a diagram of the Russian handles but not the Bulgarian. Haven't spent any time looking yet.
German picks are very expensive $300 range and have a permanently attached handle although I have seen these also which have come out of the trenches rusted and without handles. These they only want $200 for LOL.
I do have one US entrenching shovel with a damaged handle, but I use this for work and small jobs around the house and these are so common, I just don't worry about it. A non-original handle on one of these would be of no real benefit in my opinion. I got it for $5 and they can be a pretty convenient tool for some jobs.
Found a few items yesterday. A casing for a shell I picked up last year. Turned out to be one I didn't have, it's a less common M17. My others are M16's. And a reusable drum marked well for a bomb arming device.
Actually found the bomb arming device for sale but it's pricy. Missing the lid anyway.
I acquired a Schrade-Walden H-15 WWII era combat knife, sadly minus the sheath, for a very reasonable sum. I know that scabbards are readily available on EBay so I should find something.
I know that scabbards are readily available on EBay so I should find something.
Well, I wouldn't say READILY available but you should find something. They are a peculiar scabbard so good luck looking. Nice clean example though for sure.