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Sterling 50 round magazines
Back in December 2024, a seller on Gunbroker listed two 50 round Sterling magazines. They appeared to have been originally made as extended magazines, not two magazines cut and shut together.
The magazine bodies were of typical four part Sterling/Patchett design, with a roller follower. There were two witness holes on the underside and three witness holes on the upper face. There were no markings on the spine or on the bodies with the exception of 45 which was etched (engraved?) alongside one of the witness holes.
The attached photo is screenshot from the seller’s listing.
Does anyone know anything about these 50 round magazines?
01-21-2025 08:37 AM
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Those are Chilean PAF magazines.
The PAF is pretty much an (improved?) clone of the Sterling Mk7.
It's pretty clear that Matt Moss was unfamiliar with the Sterling Mk7 when he made his video and wrote the article.
FAMAE PAF Submachine Gun The Armourers Bench
The PAF: Chile's first indigenous submachine gun | thefirearmblog.com
FAMAE PAF - Modern Firearms
Last edited by Lee Enfield; 01-21-2025 at 01:28 PM.
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A 50 would be fun on the range but not so much in the field. That would get caught on everything.
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Originally Posted by
Lee Enfield
Thank you for the identification. It didn't occur to me to look at the PAF.
Interesting thread as I'd never even heard of a 50 rounder, neither had James Ed who made the guns. I wonder how the 50 rounders would have fared in a Sterling L2. I would imagine that they'd perform reasonably well because the ribbed top and bottom surfaces that controlled the direction of the efficient round spring (as opposed to the not so efficient oval form spring) and reduced the friction of the rounds as they traveled down - or up - the magazine made the Sterling magazines good and reliable.
As BAR says, a fifty rounder in the field....., well, that's something else!
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