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how about 505507 stamped 7-18 in remington
11-09-2009 04:03 PM
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Dan Wilson
A 12-17 barrel is very likely a replacement, the build date for the rifle is probably in the 4/18 or 5/18 period.
Dan Wilson
The rifle would be made in 8 or 9 of 1918, a 7-18 barrel has a very good chance of being original
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Dan Wilson,
Thanks for bird-dogging the serial number manufacturing dates here.
I have an Eddystone with a 1,345,XXX serial number and a 12/18 marked Eddy barrel.
According to oldguns.net U.S. MILITARY DATES OF MANUFACTURE U.S. Military Model 1917 Rifle: Eddystone:Covering numbers: 1 - 1355000
the date of manufacture for that serial number is January, 1919.
That date and the barrel date stamp seem to indicate the barrel and receiver are correct for each other. (All other parts on the rifle are Eddystone marked except for the cocking piece which is marked W NS.)
Does a 1,345,XXX serial number conform with a Jan 1919 manufacture date according to your sources?
Also, is it true that all late model Eddystones came off the assembly line Parkerized rather than with a blued finish?
Or was Parkerization done only when re-arsenalled?
Thanks you.
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I have an Eddystone SN 3782xx with an Eddystone barrel dated 2-18. I've seen reports that this SN was manufactured in March 1918 and other reports that say April 1918. In either case, I assume that it's highly probable that the barrel is original to this receiver. Is that a good assumption?
Dan Wilson
I see that 1,345,xxx could be a Nov or Dec 1918 manufacture date. Realize that with Eddystone and Remington any manufacture date ends up with a "best guess" as Winchester was the only maker that kept serialization logs. Winchester I can even give you the day it was made but not so with the other two.
As for the park vs blue issue, I have never seen, or heard of an original Eddystone that was completely parked. It is my theory that some parts were parked but not the whole rifle. I know that Ferris says in his most excellent book that parking was fully implemented by Sep 1918 but I have an Oct or Nov 18 rifle that was blued. Like I say that is just my theory and I could be wrong.
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Good info, Dan.
Thank you for taking the time!
Legacy Member
What's the date for an Eddystone with serial number 175XXX?
Dan Wilson
Ohhh thats a nice early one.
November 1917 is your date.