There is a likeable RFD and trader who usually sells at the various Bisley Arms Fairs such as the Trafalgar last week that usually has some interesting items for sale. Over the past 2 years he has sold some Britishicon & Germanicon WW1 sniper scopes and cases. Following a purchase of some British WW1 and German WW1 sniper scopes on Saturday at Bisley (Thank you Simon) I managed to match up the rifle numbered WW1 PPCo scope case with the numbered scope I had bought from dealer about a year ago earlier. I also managed to mate up a rifle numbered German WW1 C.P Goertz 4x Semi Turret sniper scope can to another collector who bought the numbered scope about 2 years earlier.

The question is do any of the members who frequent this forum happen to have bought from one of the Bisley Fairs the Aldis sniper scope case numbered for rifle 7760 or have the Aldis scope numbered for rifle 7606 or maybe know of collector friends who might have?
Warning: This is a relatively older thread
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