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Thread: Reloading for Type 38 6.5 147gr ELD Match?

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    Contributing Member baconslayer's Avatar
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    Reloading for Type 38 6.5 147gr ELD Match?

    At a recent gun show, I found some Hornaday 6.5 147 grain ELD Match bullets. Not finding any load info in the Hornaday book. Are these bullets not intended for use in the Arisakaicon (and 6.5 Swedishicon) rifles? All the dimensions seem to be the same as the Hornaday 140 grain ELDM. Am I missing something? Are the 147 grain bullets safe and/or effective to use in Arisaka?

    The 147gr version seem to be primarily meant for the 6.5CM use it seems.


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    Legacy Member J-ROD's Avatar
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    I’ve only ever used 139 or 140 grain .264 flat based bullets. Arisakas use metford rifling and they seem to prefer flat base bullets vs boat tails. Those unfamiliar think the rifling is worn but that’s they way they’re made, not sharp riling in Japaneseicon rifles.

    I wish I could find .264 flat based spitzer bullet that IS NOT soft point…sometimes the soft nose gets a little boogered if it hits the feed ramp too hard and becomes a flier.

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    Contributing Member baconslayer's Avatar
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    Thanks again, Arisakas = polygonal / Metford / Enfield rifling with hills and valleys prefer flat bottom bullets vs. boat-tails. Boat-tails will work, but with reduced accuracy at distance. Got it!

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    Legacy Member bob q's Avatar
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    It is a little more complicated than that. First it will depend on when your rifle was made , early rifles have larger size bores and will shoot best with different bullets than late made rifles . Bore size is important . I once shot a T-97 sniper [ 6.5mm ] in a national bench rest match , just to do it . My best 5-shot 100 yard group was 0.662 , with a total average of 0.894 . Shot with the SI- 140 MK boat tail bullet . There is no Safety reason why you could not use the ELD bullets in any 6.5mm , Swede , Carcano or Arisakaicon . You may have accuracy problems in some rifles . The Swede would be the best bet for good accuracy with those . There is nothing wrong with flat base bullets either . I have a very early [ 3 digit ] T-38 . It has a .271 dia groove barrel . It will keyhole with most .264 bullets , but has shot 1.25 ish with the .268 dia bullet . So match the bullet to the rifle .

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    Thanks, bob q. Mine is a Kokura Series 24, so very late.

    I have about 20 loaded up in 6.5 J to try out in the T38. The rest I will save for my 6.5 Swede.

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